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Characteristic of gamecock rooster on the neck

Characteristic of gamecock rooster on the neckgamecock rooster picture
rooster picture with crooked neck (left) - the neck is too long (right)

Characteristic of gamecock rooster with fighting cocks picture   Characteristic of gamecock with fighting cocks picture
rooster picture with rather short neck (left) - ideal neck (right)

Fighting cocks pictures above is to show an example of the characteristic features of a good gamecock rooster on the neck. The first image is an example of fighting cocks with bent neck, which is certainly to be avoided. Bent neck is like a letter s or z, usually on the bent neck is not strong. Generally bent neck caused by the neck bone is not strong.

The second picture is cock's neck that it is too long. Long neck is not balanced with the body lenght. Besides the neck is too long, it also looks less sturdy, circle of neck less rounded. Generally, thin neck, or less rounded, the gap between the base of the neck to the base of the wing is wider. Exercises to enlarge the base of the neck may not be able to enlarge the neck, so it is better avoided.

The next rooster picture is rather short-necked (medium). Rather short neck is also balanced with the body that rather short and rounded. The neck is also big and rounded, so that the neck is strong. Short neck can not lock the opponent's neck,also it do not reach high enough. But the neck is tolerable because the neck is not too short.

Fighting cocks the last picture is an example of the characteristic features of a good gamecock rooster. Long neck is quite long and balanced with a long body. Neck looks solid with rounded neck, so that it is strong. Generally, big neck, or rounded neck, the gap between the base of the neck to the base of the wing is tight. Curvature of the neck is also very good, which is straight up and then curved slightly forward, so as to press the opponent's neck

That's all the information about Characteristic of gamecock rooster on the neck, which is equipped with fighting cocks picture.

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