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Characteristics of a gamecock rooster on the chicken legs

Characteristics of a gamecock rooster on the chicken legsgamecock rooster on the chicken legs
cock legs that are too big (left) - the form of the foot such as star fruit (right)

cock legs or chicken legs at a gamecock roostercock legs from gamecock rooster
cock legs  is round, medium size, neatly scales (left) - 
scales from chicken legs with a dangerous punch - KO (right)

Characteristics of a gamecock rooster on the chicken legs can be seen in the picture above. Chickens in the first picture above (left) does not seem a lump on thigh muscle, which means that the chickens have a small thigh. In contrast, the second and third cock picture has a fairly large thigh muscles, thighs look big and round. Exercise can not significantly increase muscle. Exercise more to harden the thigh muscles.

Thigh muscles bigger is better. Better yet, if the circle of the thigh is more flattened (not too round, such as thigh of grasshoppers), meaning look bigger from the side (width), while the look of the front is not so great (medium). Thighs like this lighter, thus feet movement more agile , and chicken remains has strong punch.

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